Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Here is a very cute picture of the one Holden dearly cares about, Phoebe she's also with Holden!

They are dancing like from the chapter where Holden had snuck into the house to see Phoebe.

Rating of The Catcher in the Rye.

The Catcher in the Rye is a good book for stronger readers. I say this because the way the author writes everything and the way the whole story is laid out is difficult to understand. This book is really well written and the story behind it about the author is very interesting. The way the book is written it does very well at describing things, maybe a little too well. On one page Holden describes one thing for a whole page. If you are into that then this will be a very good read. On a scale of 1-10 of how difficult a read this is I give it a 7. I give it a 7 because it was a book for better readers, some parts were hard to understand and confusing. I rate this book on scale of 1-5 stars I give it a 3.5, I give it this because i thought the book was really well written, although I did think there were some unnecessary chapters. Once you read The Catcher in the Rye, it takes a while to realize there is so much more about it than the words written on the pages. Remember, this is all my opinion and I hope no one thinks i'm phony, just saying my thoughts about the book!

Summery of, The Catcher in the Rye.

       Holden Caulfield is a boy who doesn't like school and most people. After getting kicked out of school, Holden goes on to a hotel with the money he has. After Holden's fights with himself and everyone around him, he realizes he is in need of  change. While Holden struggles he is brought upon himself to change. Throughout the story you realize that Holden wants to save children's innocence and he doesn't want them to grow up. Holden doesn't want to do anything with his life except for one thing, Holden wants to be the catcher in the rye. For him this means he imagines himself on a cliff next to a field of rye, there children are trying to jump off the cliff. His job is to save them. Throughout the book the author portrays a few themes, innocence is one. Holden is very set on children and admires them greatly, he admires them because they are still innocent, unlike Holden himself. Another thing that is mentioned in The Catcher in the Rye, is the red hunting hat. Holden brings it up multiple times in the story and it starts to be a symbolic reference.
Here is a wonderful painting of Holden!!
I really like this one because I think it really portray Holden's characteristics throughout his face and stance in this painting.

Here is a comic made for The Catcher in the Rye.
I really like this comic, its funny but it really capture Holden's personal

Holden Caulfield's awkward moment with his teacher and visiting his sister 
By Isabella Peterson

           I fall into a deep sleep, I dream about my sister and all of her friends staying young forever. Not growing up being innocent. This dream makes me happy but soon fades when I walk into the doors of her old school. I see phoebe in one corner kissing a guy and in another corner I see phoebe and her friends, they are taking shots. As i walk up to all of them to yell at them, all I feel is something tickling my head. I reach for my head but nothing is there. Thats when I suddenly wake up with the realization that someones touching my head. I franticly look down and I see Mr Antolini staring at me and rubbing my head.  I soon feel a stone being dropped in my stomach and I get very nervous. I get very freaked out and i try and maybe forget about it but it just was too odd. I quickly make an excuse on the reason why i have to franticly leave. The room falls silent as I grab what little I have and rush out the door.
            I decide to visit phoebe. As I walk through the town I once loved until I realized how many phonies filled the town. I turn right onto the street of our house. As it begins to appear I feel sick all over again. Its dark everywhere, I decide to sneak into the house and hope the phonies aren't there. I open the white fence gate and walk up the stairs to the door. I carefully open the door into our house. I am so happy to see phoebe. As I walk into her room she isn't anywhere to be found. I search all over the room until I hear a quite noise. I now search the floor. As I am searching all I see is something moving out in the distance. Whatever this thing is it's wearing phoebe's pajamas. As I walk closer I am shocked and soon realize that is actually phoebe. She has been shrunk down to the size of a pee pod. I am so amazed but yet scared, I pick her up and place her in the palm of my hand. Thats when all of a sudden I hear loud music playing and I feel icy cold water soaking into my shirt and my hair.  I wake up and realize I was still dreaming. Im in a booth at a bar where loud music is playing and some phony girl sitting next to me. I feel my hair and realize someone has pored water on my, i'm soaking.  "What the hell man?" I yell angrily at the man with the bucket standing above me. "You need to leave the bar." He says in a thick russian accent, probably fake. What a phony, who does he think he is? I get up a little wobbly probably from the shots i don't remember taking. I step up to the guy and punch him straight int his jaw. This rash movement was a total mistake, he rehabilitates himself from the punch and socks me straight in the stomach, grabs my arms and starts kneeing me. As I feel the pain rush through my body I wish I was back in my dreams. He hits me until I cant feel pain anymore, all I can think about is Jane at this moment. My heart beats fast and I collapse no longer able to breath, my throat closing, my life flashes in front of my face and I black out. As i'm in a world between reality and dreams I see myself in a field of rye, I see little children withe their innocence. I see myself on a cliff the children all running towards me. I have to save them from falling off this cliff, I have to, it's the only thing I want to do with my life. As  I see myself laying on the ground of the bar, paramedics rushing around me, I realize i'm not ready to die yet. I must conquer this dream of being the catcher in the rye. I blank out once again and  I feel myself on the ground once more, this time alive and awake. I think to myself as the world rushes around me, I am the catcher in the rye.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Here is a picture oh Holden Caulfield being the catcher in the rye.

This picture is important to the book The Catcher in the Rye because all Holden wants to be is someone who catches children from falling off a cliff, next to a field of rye.