Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Holden Caulfield's awkward moment with his teacher and visiting his sister 
By Isabella Peterson

           I fall into a deep sleep, I dream about my sister and all of her friends staying young forever. Not growing up being innocent. This dream makes me happy but soon fades when I walk into the doors of her old school. I see phoebe in one corner kissing a guy and in another corner I see phoebe and her friends, they are taking shots. As i walk up to all of them to yell at them, all I feel is something tickling my head. I reach for my head but nothing is there. Thats when I suddenly wake up with the realization that someones touching my head. I franticly look down and I see Mr Antolini staring at me and rubbing my head.  I soon feel a stone being dropped in my stomach and I get very nervous. I get very freaked out and i try and maybe forget about it but it just was too odd. I quickly make an excuse on the reason why i have to franticly leave. The room falls silent as I grab what little I have and rush out the door.
            I decide to visit phoebe. As I walk through the town I once loved until I realized how many phonies filled the town. I turn right onto the street of our house. As it begins to appear I feel sick all over again. Its dark everywhere, I decide to sneak into the house and hope the phonies aren't there. I open the white fence gate and walk up the stairs to the door. I carefully open the door into our house. I am so happy to see phoebe. As I walk into her room she isn't anywhere to be found. I search all over the room until I hear a quite noise. I now search the floor. As I am searching all I see is something moving out in the distance. Whatever this thing is it's wearing phoebe's pajamas. As I walk closer I am shocked and soon realize that is actually phoebe. She has been shrunk down to the size of a pee pod. I am so amazed but yet scared, I pick her up and place her in the palm of my hand. Thats when all of a sudden I hear loud music playing and I feel icy cold water soaking into my shirt and my hair.  I wake up and realize I was still dreaming. Im in a booth at a bar where loud music is playing and some phony girl sitting next to me. I feel my hair and realize someone has pored water on my, i'm soaking.  "What the hell man?" I yell angrily at the man with the bucket standing above me. "You need to leave the bar." He says in a thick russian accent, probably fake. What a phony, who does he think he is? I get up a little wobbly probably from the shots i don't remember taking. I step up to the guy and punch him straight int his jaw. This rash movement was a total mistake, he rehabilitates himself from the punch and socks me straight in the stomach, grabs my arms and starts kneeing me. As I feel the pain rush through my body I wish I was back in my dreams. He hits me until I cant feel pain anymore, all I can think about is Jane at this moment. My heart beats fast and I collapse no longer able to breath, my throat closing, my life flashes in front of my face and I black out. As i'm in a world between reality and dreams I see myself in a field of rye, I see little children withe their innocence. I see myself on a cliff the children all running towards me. I have to save them from falling off this cliff, I have to, it's the only thing I want to do with my life. As  I see myself laying on the ground of the bar, paramedics rushing around me, I realize i'm not ready to die yet. I must conquer this dream of being the catcher in the rye. I blank out once again and  I feel myself on the ground once more, this time alive and awake. I think to myself as the world rushes around me, I am the catcher in the rye.

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