Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Summery of, The Catcher in the Rye.

       Holden Caulfield is a boy who doesn't like school and most people. After getting kicked out of school, Holden goes on to a hotel with the money he has. After Holden's fights with himself and everyone around him, he realizes he is in need of  change. While Holden struggles he is brought upon himself to change. Throughout the story you realize that Holden wants to save children's innocence and he doesn't want them to grow up. Holden doesn't want to do anything with his life except for one thing, Holden wants to be the catcher in the rye. For him this means he imagines himself on a cliff next to a field of rye, there children are trying to jump off the cliff. His job is to save them. Throughout the book the author portrays a few themes, innocence is one. Holden is very set on children and admires them greatly, he admires them because they are still innocent, unlike Holden himself. Another thing that is mentioned in The Catcher in the Rye, is the red hunting hat. Holden brings it up multiple times in the story and it starts to be a symbolic reference.

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